National University of Ireland
Bachelor of Science (Singapore)
Cross Cultural Management
Pre Course Assignment
Lecturer: Dr. Richard Tan
Student Name: Zefanya Amarya Titiheruw
Student Number: 1320 7826
Intake: BSc20 (B)
Word Count : 4047 words
Part I
Summary of Article
December 8, 2013 – a riot involving 400 people took place in Little India at around 9 pm. The situation arises after the SCDF (Singapore Civil Defense Force) located a crowd of Indian workers gathered around a coach at the junction of Race Course Road and Hampshire Road when an Indian national was found dead.
In total, at least 31 of the uniformed officers were injured – 27 police and the other four from the Singapore Civil Defense Force.16 police cars were damaged and destroyed, alongside with two ambulances and several private vehicles, also at least four of the police cars overturned.
It all began earlier that evening when on the bus a constructer worker from South India, Sakthivel Kumaravelu, appeared to be drunk. Witnesses onboard said he was creating scenes and troubles then he was assisted off the bus. The Singaporean national bus driver then drove along the route until he heard a loud thud and next found out the dead body of Mr Sakthivel, under the rear wheel of his bus.
First police fast response car arrives to extricate the body only the crowd had then congregated, and grown rancorous. They started throwing bullets, beer bottles lit like fire-bombs and other dangerous weapons thrown to the police officer while SCDF rescuers were extricating the body. The riot was brought under control two hours after the accident. It cannot be ignored that the violence first took place on targeted uniformed personnel, specifically those who responded first to the accident.
Majority of Singaporeans found this incident extremely shocking. According to their country’s history the last Singapore’s real riot
Bibliography: Appendices Appendices Appendix 1 Source : Brooke, R. 2010. Cultural Dimensions Index Score for Selected Countries. [image online] Available at: [Accessed: 27 Mar 2014].