tenacity when he is going to london to live with his mom, the why he going through the train station following the path he memorized. Then when he gets on the train, he looks out the window not imagining or dreaming but counting every roof top he passes, analyzing the environment. You are also on the train see his desire for structure and normalcy so much that when he gets pressured or has too many stimuli at once.
He hides in the bag compartment to make his world smaller. Nonetheless, this kid also has advantages, the way he sees numbers and pattern, a calculates the world, his amazing memory, his ability to remain in a case and put his brain fully into one thing is his advances. He will not quit until he needs to figure out the truth. I think these are god things there is a advantage to thinking outside the box to not being the stasis qua, I don’t think you need a disability but I think being an outsider and seeing the world through a different lens helps you see the world clearer. Advancement does not come from the children excepted to be wealthy and amazing but the underdog, this is partly because the underdogs advancement seem greater because they were not expected to achieve, but it mostly because being the weirdo and the stranger of society helps one see certain part of society and the world with a clearer and purer lense. Need to examine all the people we have talked about in are plays so far and the videos were any of them expected to achieve. You have this genius autistic kid Christopher in the fact that he is taking A levels in math early or that he is counting prime roots all the way to …show more content…
4096. There are advantages to someone like Christopher, but there are also disadvantages he is socially odd and is a problem for dealing with people like the police. Nevertheless, then the police in this play are very insincere and don’t understand and act right. This whole play shows this innocent boy getting push around in a bad scenario his dad is falling apart and his mother left. However, then Christopher is not an easy child, he latching on to a certain topic and not others, he is blunt and needs order and structure or the world overwhelms him.
This people with disadvantages like Christopher can see the world clearly and understand. I was born with ADHD and Dsylexic tenacity and due to go to a special school as a kid and training myself I can deal with society, I still have my writing disability and ADHD, but a can survive. Of like I was always told he who is not present has no future. I am present in the now not the then. But because of disadvantages, I can recognize the signs, see when someone having trouble and have some ways to help. That is the advantage to having a disadvantage or disability you can relate to those struggling more, you can recognize the signs and your less likely to get corrupt by power and wealth if you overcome a great obstacle and earn what you get then if you are born with wealth and power. Look at our society all the narcissist and money waster, the heirs to giant fortunes that did not have to work for it like the Paris Hilten’s of the world. Having money is not a disadvantage if you learn as you grow up how to work hard and the values that are instilled to all good and caring people, if they learn to mnage their money wisely. Seeing the world clearly helps one expect. This need to beat the odds and challenge the norms open up questions and without these deep and neverending questions we have no future and no advancement.
Disabilities don’t just give the ability to challenge the norms and see in a different way.
They help one to comprehend others. You understand conflict with society or even conflict in yourself. As a child I always had a collision between my thoughts and what I able to say or write in time. Thoughts to me when I was younger were like trains speeding pass through my head and I could never reach them. Everytime I tried to reach my thoughts I was too slow or got one car of the train and the rest went to pass. But, because of this disadvantage I have to many ideas, and I am constantly thinking and debating things in my mind, thousands of miles per minute, so yes if I don’t have my medicine I could be hyper, but do to this hyperemesis I react quicker. Then there the fact I was born with hypersensitive and weak muscle tone. I could use this as a disadvantage or an advantage, my hypersensitive helps me be alert notices slight changes in everything from temperature to even moisture change affect my skin, I am also sensitive to touch and spund making me more aware. They are the downside of my body getting sick easier and bad headaches but all advantages have disadvantages. So to be realistic there is no light and dark, or good and evil, and there is no advantages and disadvantages, because all things help certain people but if gave to others it is useless. What I learn from thinking about disabilities is if you look at any disabilities or disadvantage right, you can either use your
weakness and troubles to motivate yourself to be stronger or use it to be better. So disabilities help you see the world clearer and blurry it depends on how you take the gift. Have a demerit or disability helps you see the world differently is it really completely better I can’t say. I have a complete bias having a slight disability and not all disability changes your view of the world the same way. Not even one disability makes everyone who gets it sees the world the same way a lot of disabilities are on a spectrum.