Customer satisfaction surveys are important tools for measuring the success or forecasting the future of a product or service. They often predict or explain sales trends, and can give clear information on what changes will improve the bottom line. Customer satisfaction is essential to the survival of any business. Its basic aim is to find out whether customers are satisfied? The best way to find out whether customers are satisfied is to ask them.
When To Conduct A Customer Satisfaction Survey
The best time to conduct a customer satisfaction survey is when the experience is fresh in their minds. If you wait to conduct a survey, the customer 's response may be less accurate. He may have forgotten some of the details. She may answer about a later event or may color the answers because of confusion with other visits.
Type of satisfaction to be measured
There are two types of satisfaction surveys, transactional and image-based.
Transactional satisfaction. Each time a customer interacts with the company there is a transaction - whether it is a sales call, a support e-mail, opening invoice or using a product. Many companies use ongoing transactional satisfaction measurements to monitor customer service, support or sales groups over time.
Image-based satisfaction. Every customer has an overall impression of the company. These opinions are based on the sum of their transactions, their beliefs about your competitors, what value they place in the product or service, and impressions that their friends or colleagues may have shared. Regular image-based analysis is vital to understanding the company 's strategic position with their customers and in their marketplace.
Although it is feasible to measure both types of satisfaction in one survey, it 's not recommended. Respondents find it confusing, because it forces them to think in two very different ways at the same time. It is better to conduct separate surveys, with a few of the same