Rachel Magoire
A Research report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Bachelor of Arts in Procurement and Supply Management of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)
September, 2009
The undersigned certify that they have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by the Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies a research report entitled “the role of information technology in procurement activities a case study of Vodacom Tanzania limited in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a degree of Bachelor of Arts in Procurement and Supply Management.
_________________________________ (Supervisor’s name)
(Supervisor’s signature)
Date: ______________________________
I, Rachel Magoire declare that this report is my own work and that it has been presented
and will not be presented to any university for a similar or any degree.
This is a copyright material in intellectual property. In full as in part, except for short
extracts in fair dealings, for research or private study, critical scholarly review or
discourse with acknowledgement without the permission of the Research Bureau on
behalf of both the author and Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business
I most honor the Living Almighty God as he goes without number, for giving me such
a good health and peace of mind as well as enabling me to withstand obstacles that could
have led to failure in
References: Andrew S. Dennis 2001(The Professional Intern Program Level II Report on the Past, Present, and Future of Procurement Reform at the Organizational Level) Bealy Peter, 1998, All purchasing Principle and management Dr Shilla P.M and Shirima L.M (2008), Tanzania Procurement Journal vol 1 No 4 Gordon B Davis 1974, Management information system, foundation Management Development Haaq Cummings, Ma Cubberey, 2002 Management information system for the information age. Hugos M, 2006 Essential of supply chain management, 2nd edition published by John willey and sons, Inc Hoboken, New Jersey Lyson K and Gillngham M, 2003 Purchasing and supply chain management 6th edition Malingigwa N.A (2005)Tanzania Procurement Journal vol 3 No 1 Mark A and Ronald S.H (2003) Procurement Revolution. Margaret Simwanza Sitta (MP) Minister for Education and Vocational Training Dar es Salaam, July, 2007 ministry of education and vocational training (moevt) Information & communication technology policy for basic education Pavis Iskanis, Anna- Maijaala, international journal of integrated supply management (IJISM), vol.3N0.3, 2007 R.A Tillia 2002 Report on E-procurement as a facilitator of e- commerce