Submitted by : Manjo gabriel s. verzo
Submitted to : t. karen r. reyes effects of cyber bullying among students
chapter 1 : cyberbullying Cyber bullying is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner. As it has become more common in society, particularly among young people, legislation and awareness campaigns have arisen to combat it. Cyberbullying is said to be a significant problem that warrants serious attention within
For a long time, safety was only a matter of protection from dangers of the tangible world. However, at the end of the twentieth century ‘cyberspace’ emerged. Besides the fact that this new social structure is used for plenty of good purposes, such as gathering information and communicating with friends, the internet also poses significant dangers. The internet is for example used to commit fraud, to disseminate child pornography or to harass others. The internet has become an increasingly popular medium among youth. Therefore, not only the opportunities, but the dangers of cyberspace apply to youth as well. Youth in particular use the internet for communicative purposes and, in addition, research indicates that the potential to interact with others in harmful ways while being online exists. One of the emerging risks of communication on the internet for youth is cyber-bullying. Definitions of cyberbullying find their origin in definitions of traditional bullying. Prior to the emergence of cyberspace, bullying also occurred. The Norwegian scientist Dan Olweus has conducted numerous studies on ‘traditional’ bullying. He developed a definition for bullying that still forms the basis for a multiplicity of definitions used in scientific literature.
“A student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other students... It is a