Social , Emotional, Behavioural
0-1 babies can lie supine, Usually hold their hands tightly closed
Can make eye contact,
Likes sweet tastes i.e breast milk
Begin to cry
Enjoys feeding and cuddling
Can now turn from side to side. Open their hands and grasp adults finger
Can recognize people and familiar objects
Some facial expressions
Recognize different speech sounds
Stays awake for longer periods of time
6 months
Baby has good head control more facial expressions like blinking and smiling
Can develop different tastes in food
Begins to laugh and show delight
Baby shows trust and security
9 months
Can sit up with no support
Moves arms and legs up and down when excited
Can imitate sounds like a cough
Baby is fascinated with the way objects move
1 Year
Baby will be mobile crawling or even walking
May throw toys deliberately
Can follow simple instructions like waving, Can imitate sounds and gestures
May play alone for long periods of time
Will experience a sense of self wonder and values people who are loved by them
18 months
Can manage to climb up stairs
Begins to talk
Develops a sense of identity
Begins to scribble on paper
2 Years to 2 ½ Years
Can run and walk safely
Enjoys pictures and books
Can dress themselves with minimal support
Can say simple words like doggie and gone
Has improved memory skills can name and match two colours
Doesn’t no wrong from right but can recognise the word ‘No’
CYP Core 3.1 Understand child and young person development
3 Years
Can ride a bike can use scissors to cut paper
Can make friends
Begins to plurals, adjectives and sentences
Can take part in simple non competitive games
Knows what hurts and delights families and friends
4 Years
Can catch kick throw and bounce a ball
Can use past and present for often
Can count up to twenty
Likes to be independent and is strongly self willed
5-6 Years
Has good balance can hop easily