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Ameerah Baboolall Student No: 07849
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providing the framework for drawing the conclusion of a research. supporting the research to find an answer to a problem
Assessment activity 5
5.1 Why might a researcher choose to conduct qualitative market research rather than quantitative research?
Qualitative research is an in-depth exploration of what people think, feel or do and why they do it. E.g. to learn why the customers behave as they do and what barriers there could be to change this behaviour, a marketer can use qualitative research to explore those issues. The research will not give statistically robust findings whereas quantitative research provide a measure of how many people think, feel or behave in a certain way and uses statistical analysis to determine the results.
5.2 Which method/s could be used to collect qualitative data and how is it/they different from a method used to collect quantitative data?
Data collection approaches for qualitative data involves:
1. Direct interaction with individuals on a one to one basis or
2. direct interaction with individuals in a group setting
The main methods used are:
1. Individual interviews
2. Focus …show more content…
There are many software packages used in different data research field.
Confidentialised Unit Record Files (CURFS) is a research performance monitoring used by the Australian Bureau Statistics. It contain data from ABS surveys in the form of unit records and the most details statistical information available from the ABS. They are for researched and analys who wish to run their own statistical queries on the data using software packages such as SAS and SPSS. CURFs have been confidentialised by removing name and address information, by controlling the amount of detail and by changing a small number of values.
Assessment activity 14
14.1 List the elements of a templates that could be used to record and present research reports
Report can be presented in many formats depending on the data and specific requirements of the client. The standard format to present research report