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Ira Lovitch Sushit gurung Kings College MBA regular (fall) 1st Trimester
What Is the Best Type of Marketing Research?
Quantitative versus Qualitative marketing research
Market research may be classified as either ‘quantitative’ or ‘qualitative’. Whereas the former focuses on tangible and measurable traits of a market (‘quantities’), the latter places more emphasis on “understanding rather than simple measurement” (‘qualities’) (Both types of market research have their respective associated costs and benefits. As such, it would be short sighted to say that one can or cannot take the place of the other; in fact, “many marketing research practitioners see quantitative and qualitative research and information as complementary” This essay shall attempt to define, describe, critique and identify differences between the two research classifications using examples, as well as provide suggestions as to both when and how both research types may be used for optimal results. (study mode, 2013)
Quantitative research in the context of businesses is primarily “concerned with measuring aspects of a market or the population of consumers making up a market other words, it is concerned with areas of the market that are to do with size and measurement, such as the size of market segments, brand shares or purchase frequencies). Due to its tangible nature, quantitative research involves “empirical methods and empirical statements” without much, if any room for subjectivity An example of quantitative research could thus be measuring the mode age of consumers who purchase a particular product.
There are three main types of quantitative data that can be obtained: market measures, customer profiles, and attitudinal data “Market measures quantify and describe a market”, for example through revealing the percentage shares held by competitors.
Bibliography: (n.d.). Retrieved from power decisions group: (2013, august). Retrieved from study mode: