He had realized that China is the largest Christian country. The author tells a story about how God is building His Kingdom in China. The author gives details of prominent Patriarchs who had suffered persecution under the Communist Party. Aikman and the other tourist had attended a lecture in 2002. A native of China spoke he deliberated on the government and social, economic and political issues. As the tourist had took notes they realized that China was not as perfect as they thought. Although, Aikman has realized that Christian in China has strong faith in
He had realized that China is the largest Christian country. The author tells a story about how God is building His Kingdom in China. The author gives details of prominent Patriarchs who had suffered persecution under the Communist Party. Aikman and the other tourist had attended a lecture in 2002. A native of China spoke he deliberated on the government and social, economic and political issues. As the tourist had took notes they realized that China was not as perfect as they thought. Although, Aikman has realized that Christian in China has strong faith in