Then baby made three, and a whole new world of complications were born. How can a 12 pound infant require 40 lbs worth of equipment? It's hard to believe one tiny person can require so much stuff, and yet, there are simple ways to reduce the clutter while keeping the essentials on hand. Whether you are taking a day trip, a weekend getaway, or a week long excursion, there are certain things you will absolutely need. You will need diapers, depending on the age of your baby. A newborn will require at least 10-12 diapers a day. An older baby may require fewer, 6-8. Plan on taking that amount plus one to two extras for each day you will be gone. Cloth diapers and burp cloths are fabulous for dealing with spills or messy burps. You will also need baby wipes. Baby wipes can be used for diapering purposes, but they can also be useful for cleaning up baby after a meal, after playing outside, for wiping down grubby hands, clearing off a table, etc. I consider disposable baby wipes to be an essential part of any trip. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are also very useful for cleaning purposes. Alcohol can enter the bloodstream through the skin, so if you choose to use this on your baby's hands, talk to your pediatrician first and use with caution. Your baby will also need food and snacks. Babies under 6 months will most likely be fine with just breastmilk or formula. If you use …show more content…
Traveling for anyone can be a scary concept, but for kids traveling without parents or any adult figure can be extremely terrifying. There is no such thing has being over prepared or overly cautious. Safety is extremely important. Before you even pack make sure your child knows what to expect. Explain to your child what to expect. Go over how long they will be on the plane. If there are any transfers, make sure your child knows what gates to go to. Have them memorize it and repeat it back to you. Have the information written down and in you child's pocket. Along with flight information, make sure that the child has a picture of the person who is going to pick them up on the other end of the flight. Go over appropriate behavior and inappropriate behavior with your child. Of course going over how you child should act is important but also making sure that your child knows that other passengers should not touch or do anything to make your child feel uncomfortable. This includes swearing, taking things away from your child, trying to give your child things, touching inappropriately, or other passengers trying to solicit personal information from your child. Make sure that they know to contact a flight attendant right away if anyone makes them feel uncomfortable. At the same time request that your child have a row alone, or