1.1 Describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with children and young people.
It is important if you are working alongside children, that you have a good relationship with them. If you do - this will allow them to learn faster in a healthy professional environment because you have an understanding between you. Respect is another key element. Without it, teaching can be impossible because everything goes in swings and round-a-bouts; you’re causing stress not only for yourself but for the children as well.
To create a good respectful lasting relationship there are a few things that you can do: * Listen – it is important for the child to know that you care, get on their level and listen to what they have to say; even repeating parts of what they say so that they know you’ve taken an interest. However it is also key to know when to say enough is enough, “tell me later” “hold that thought and tell me at break or lunch”. This way the kid knows that you are listening but they have the information that something else is happening. * Share – Telling them about things you’ve done over the weekend, relevant things you’ve seen all show that you are a person that can be approached, this gives them something to relate to, opens conversations and discussions up. * Be fair – Children are quick to pick up on an action and if it is fair or not. So be vigilant and make sure you are being fair. However the children also need to know that you are the responsible adult and therefore some discussions may not seem fair to them. In these situations make sure you have enough evidence to back yourself up so they understand. This way you are treating them fairly and they understand this. * Communicate – it is important to be able to communicate well with all the children around you so that you can all work as a team. * Authority – We all want to