he will update CM once a placement is found for Justin.
he will update CM once a placement is found for Justin.
Nicole Wilson has maintained familiarity with most of DHSS administrative policies, procedures and applicable rules and regulations throughout the year of 2016. Nicole has exceeded many of the established objectives for this job component. Throughout the year Nicole has demonstrated the importance of identifying eligible adults, determine risk during the investigation, formulate an investigative strategy, and identify needed interventions. Nicole has exceeded the objectives of adhering to eligibility requirements and time frames regarding hotline reports. Nicole has consulted with the supervisor regarding policies and procedures when unsure how to administer. Throughout the year Nicole has demonstrated knowledge of statutes, rules, and regulations as it relates to abuse, neglect, and exploitation and basic knowledge of home and community base services. Case specific Nicole was investigating a case in which the RA was being verbally and physically abused by her daughter who resided with the RA. Nicole was able to get other family members…
Natalie stated until she is sure MSTT is in the home to help and not looking for reason to consider her an unfit parent she is going to have her guard up. Natalie expressed her interactions with CYS have not been positive and she is not sure how to view other services like MSTT. MSTT violated Natalie concerns and informed her she will have the lead while engaged with MSTT services addressing her concerns and dealing with the family issues developing strategies to prevent youth negative…
Since the McKinney-Vento Act and revisions made by the HEARTH Act did not specifically cater to the housing needs of homeless youth, I thought that it would be beneficial to create a program under these policies that would provide housing for Liz and other homeless unaccompanied youth. The Transitional Housing program would not only meet Liz’s housing needs, but also meet her basic needs, teach her essential skills, as well as link her to supportive services. In addition, connecting Liz to the McKinney-Vento Education Program would ensure that she is provided with stability, consistency, and services while also ensuring that she is accomplishing academic success. Therefore, by providing Liz with housing, teaching her necessary skills, and providing her with other supportive services as well as educational support this would help to eliminate or reduce her risk of becoming…
CM spoke to Ms. Quinones (caregiver) regarding schedule CFT meeting for today, 4/5/17. CM was informed that youth has a scheduled IEP meeting on Monday, 4/10/17 at 9:00am. CM and caregiver rescheduled CFT meeting to take place at the IEP meeting. CM will be present; caregiver stated IIC will be present as well. Caregiver noted youth has been emotional such as crying for no reason due to her new medication. Caregiver contacted Dr. Dellert to discuss this matter and as a result, youth is not on any medication. CM and caregiver talked about youth challenges in the school. The team will discuss these challenges at the upcoming IEP meeting.…
It is clear that each individual organization has its own eligibility rules or requirements in order for applicants to receive benefits from the programs they offer. “The Cocoon House” is an at-risk homeless teen shelter that is specific to serving youth and young adults 13-17 years of age. There are three main emergency shelters with one out of the three dedicated as an emergency maternity shelter. All three are open 24/7 and each can accommodate up to twenty youths a night. As with most social services, the determining of financial and clinical eligibility is the deciding factor for these at-risk youth benefitting from the programs provided beyond emergency services. The services they provide after eligibility has been established are case management, physical and mental health services, chemical dependency services, legal assistance, school engagement, job readiness and assistance, and finding safe and stable housing.…
A is one of the children that I was allocated to mentor. It was thought that he would benefit from the services as a means of emotional support due to him being witness to his mother’s substance abuse and…
Children and teen-agers in the care of the Department of Children’s Services are struggling to cope with and deal with the traumatic and confusing events that brought them into care. Their lives have become chaotic and they may feel alone and depressed; often the most stable person in their lives is their caseworker. “Traumatic experiences and an increased susceptibility for further wounds from unstable environments created in foster care continue to increase the vulnerability of this already fragile population” (Jones Harden, 2004, p.30). Caring for children and youth in foster or substitute care can be truly complicated and demanding. When a child is in custody the state is to assume full responsibility for a child‘s well-being and permanency.…
We must talk to parents about how isolating, telling their children that they are shame of them, and keeping silence is a form of rejecting who they are and is putting them in great danger. At the same time, no one can deny that there is a lack of affordable housing, poverty, and failures within the child welfare and juvenile justice systems to prevent youth from entering life on the streets. On the Macro level systems should be further evaluated to address their role in contributing to this most alarming issue. Making shelters and transitional housing programs safe for LGBTQ youth improves conditions for all homeless youth regardless of sexual minority status. Culturally competent treatment in providing housing services to LGBT youth. Low housing occupancy limits and private showering facilities. Social Workers should be trained on LGBTQ non-discrimination and sensitivity. LGBT-specific homeless youth programs should be created. We also must care about the LGBTQ homeless youth because is wrong to leave theseyouth on the streets, as this could be anybody’s children.…
When children who fall under the “special needs,” and cannot find a stable home, can suffer from long-time mental, behavioral, and/or physical health problems. Teenagers who cannot find a stable home and family are more likely to suffer from depression, withdrawal behaviors, somatic behaviors, and anxiety. Close to 27 percent, or 3 in 10, of teenagers ages 11 to 18, had behavioral problems that resulted in some form of clinical assistance. Young adolescents and teenagers are more likely to internalize mental health problems after they are placed into foster care system (Woods, Farineau, & McWey, 2013; Walsh & Mattingly, 2011). With the situations many children who were removed dealt with, mental health issues are something many foster families will have to consider when taking on teenagers and children with mental and physical…
At first Glance, It may seem that the way Americans view homosexuality is changing and that we have enough resources to assist the population. It may also seem that a parent wouldn’t neglect or abandon their child due to the love that they have toward another person. The truth is that there are not nearly enough changes being made or nearly enough resources to aid the LGBT community and our children. The goal of my research is to bring awareness to this issue so that we provide more resources and are there to support our youth. Gaps in research and solutions are that many shelters and resources discriminate against gays leaving them to fend for themselves. Members of the LGBT community are extremely discriminated against by society, media, certain religious groups/figures and family. Many of these youths are…
Eighty percent of adolescents do not reoffend, and thirty percent of those who attend the program are in foster care (R. Volkart, personal communication, February 22, 2010). These statistics show that this program does make an impact of foster youth who are in need of an…
Children and adolescents involved with child welfare, especially those who are removed from their family of origin and placed in out-of-home care, often present with complex and serious physical, mental health, developmental, and psychosocial problems rooted in childhood adversity and trauma. As such, they are designated as children with special health care needs. There are many barriers to providing high-quality comprehensive health care services to children and adolescents whose lives are characterized by transience and uncertainty.…
The needs of the children and youth in foster care are in need of reformation across each state throughout the nation. Since the development of foster care, the focus of intervention has and continues to be a reactive approach, instead of a tactical approach. The intervention of foster care seeks to ensure the physical safety and well-being of each child and youth, which oftentimes leads to a neglect of their emotional and intellectual needs.…
Diehl, D. C., Howse, R. B., & Trivette, C. M. (2011). Youth in foster care:…
Development Dimensions International (ODI), a consulting firm, is where Jennifer Reingold had her training for strategic decision-making on day to day challenges faced by a manager.…