Hypothesis- “Is PTSD related to those suffering with co-occurring disorders”
Null Hypothesis- “Individuals with co-occurring disorders do not suffer from PTSD”
Alternate Hypothesis- “Individuals with co-occurring disorders do suffer from PTSD” Below are five peer-reviewed articles that I will use for my research study for the effectiveness of counseling for individuals who suffer with PTSD, mental health issues and substance use disorder. Trauma originated from a Greek word meaning "wound". It merely meant physical injuries, however, nowadays trauma is considered to have emotional wounds too, as we have seen the emotional impact of a traumatic experience to an individual. The psychological …show more content…
It can impact you in childhood and adulthood and comes in the form of any life-threatening event such as; tornado, fire, natural disaster, death, car accident, abuse, neglect, threatening illness, domestic violence among many other things and can occur at home, in the community and in schools (Mulvihill, 2005). Trauma can be something that happens to you directly or witnessed by you and carries a lasting emotional setback. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) involves symptoms that persist for a month or longer after the initial traumatic experience (Brady, Beck & Coffey, 2 use). When exploring the relationship between PTSD and substance use disorders (SUDs) similarities and differences were found among gender persons reporting substance abuse issues. In this study, the data revealed men with PTSD were 5 times more likely and women with PTSD were 1.4 times as likely to abuse substances with the most common trauma from PTSD and SUD involved sexual and/or physical abuse, with emotional abuse and neglect being second (Brady et al. (2004). Most reported experiencing multiple traumas across the lifespan. Ouimette, Read, and Brown (2005) studied 120 patients seeking in-patient SUD treatment upon admission and discharge from private university-affiliated hospital. Patients were measured for exposure to traumatic events in seven categories: family violence, serious disaster, sudden death of loved one, physical assault, …show more content…
The study both examined rates of co-occurring disorders at baseline and temporal relationships between PTSD and substance use disorders over 4 years. Subjects with a lifetime history of PTSD at baseline had significantly higher rates of SUDs (both alcohol and drug) than subjects without PTSD. Latent class growth analysis, a relatively novel approach used to analyze trajectories and identify homogeneous subgroups of participant on the basis of probabilities of PTSD and SUD over time, identified 6 classes, which were compared with respect to a set of functioning and personality variables. The most consistent differences were observed between the group that displayed low probabilities of both SUD and PTSD and the group that displayed high probabilities of