If you knew about DDT you would know why I don’t want to do it. I just want you to picture being a little nature person but there is know nature DDT will kill it. The benefits of using DDT outweigh the harmful consequences because DDT could kill a lot of animals, and we don’t know the effects of DDT on a human People that are for DDT will say it is good for farming.It may be good for farming but it’s not good for our food because our food is getting infected.
One reason why the benefits of DDT outweigh the harmful consequences is because DDT could kill a lot of animals. In “(Sounding the Alarm on Pollution)” (Rachel Carson says, “ The trouble was that some chemicals hurt not only insects and weeds but also birds, mammals and fish.”This proves that they should stop using it because it …show more content…
In “(Sounding Alarm on Pollution)” (Rachel Carson) says, “By 1960’s though the evidence was clear fish had died. This proves they should stop using it because we have evidence that it doesn’t only kill weeds and insects. In conclusion, the benefits of DDT outweigh the harmful consequences because they should not use DDT because they don’t know what they will do to the world if they keep spraying it and they won’t know what the effects will be in the future. Another reason why the benefits of DDT outweigh the harmful consequences is that DDT causes a lot of people to become sickening. In “(Environmentalist and Writer)” (Kathy Wilmore) says, “However, something in that town went horribly wrong. Sickness and death appeared everywhere: among flowers and trees, cattle and sheep, even humans.”This proves that DDT is not good to spray around humans, birds and fish. In “(Environmentalist and