That being said, we will still take necessary precautions to keep fans safe. We will ensure that the police does proper sweeps of the ventilation systems in stadiums, before and during the games. Also, because each football game has a security checkpoint before each person enters the stadium, we will increase the intensity of searches of bags and persons. If and when the attack does occur, we will close the stadiums to prevent the further spread of airborne anthrax. We will have all the people tested for anthrax, either by blood or skin testing. If tested positively for the contraction of this bacteria, they will be sent to hospitals to be properly treated with antitoxins and antibiotics.
We also recognize the consequences of this anthrax attack that the cattle farmers will face when this anthrax attack does happen. In order to guarantee the safety of the farmers, we will first provide antibiotics and antitoxins to the farms that may be more vulnerable to the attack (larger cattle farms). All cattle will be screened for traces of anthrax in their system, and, if tested positive, we will make sure they are euthanized and not sold on the