Dealing With Dragon Character Analysis
Dealing With Dragons In the novel Dealing With Dragons by Patricia C. the main character Cimorene doesn’t show princess like manners. In this story Cimorene does not enjoy being a princess so she runs away.When she runs away she becomes a dragon’s princess. Then cimorene finds out that the wizards are up to something she also finds a stone prince. They both melt the wizards and kazul becomes the king of the dragons. Cimorene was justified to not act like a princess because it was boring to her. Additionally Cimorene made her choice to become a dragon’s princess over a uncomfortable situation at home. Her choice to become a dragon’s princess a fitted occupation for someone of her position and yet her non-traditional personality.Cimorene
did not enjoy the things she had to do as a princess. Cimorene does not show princess like qualities. She becomes the princess of kazul,the dragon. She shows very few princess like manners.
Cimorene showed very few princess like manners because she does not enjoy it