Every police department has many officers that are being affected by stress whether it’s negative or positive, some officers knows how to handle it and some needs some help like counseling. The stress can come in many forms, some can be internal or external pressure to succeed, it can cause problems with friends and family, some can be lack of self esteem, some lack of self confidence, some can be caused by things at work or even some at home, or even not getting enough sleep. One of the difficulties for police officers is the fact that they do shift work, they are assigned to a certain shifts that they must work regardless of holidays or any other special occasions such as aniversities or birthdays. This is really hard for police officers with family, as the family does not understand why their husband/wife or
References: Baker, Thomas E. M. S. and Baker, Jane P. M.S. (October 1996). Preventing Police Suicide. FBI Law Enforcement. Retrieved on June 13, 2003 from SIRS Knowledge Source. http://www.sirs.com Constant, Terry, (1991), Not So Obvious Police Stress, retrieved from Internet. Geiszler Paul, 1998 Law Enforcement Blues: Cops and Divorce, Carroll College Library Waukesha, Wisconsin.