The individuals in Dear Mrs. Breed use positive thinking when being sent to the camps. In Louise Ogawa’s letter, she focuses on the beautiful scenery while riding the train. Paragraph 19, “One of the most beautiful scenery was when crossing a bridge which was right above the Colorado River. It is, indeed, a beautiful river.” This shows how she still tried making the best of the journey rather than being negative. Also in her letter, she talks about new experiences. In paragraph 22, “Yesterday, I ate rice, weenies, and cabbage with a knife. That was a new experience for me!” This shows how Louise is still looking at the pros of the journey and not the cons.
In Maus, Vladek and Anja both use positivity when dealing with separation due to conflict. When they wanted to give up, they thought about each other, hoping one day, they would …show more content…
reunite again. This shows how resorting to positive thoughts when one is down can result in hope. Another instance in Maus would be when Anja was visiting the Gypsy. Instead of sulking around all day, she decided to go out and find some inspiration- which turned out to be a good idea. This shows how finding the good in bad situations can help with composure.
Some individuals may argue that one should just resort to aggression and attack. Although, I disagree with this because then that could cause even more complications. We’re trying to best solve the situation without violence. Plus, where would violence get us? No where. If Anne Frank and the characters in Maus, Hiroshima, didn’t react the way they did, imagine how much more conflict there would’ve been.
Anne in The Diary of Anne Frank uses positive thinking when she was required to relocate to a new home.
During the beginning of her diary entry, she acts as if she’s still living a typical school life. In paragraph 4, she writes “Thank goodness summer vacation is almost here; one more week and our torment will be over.” This shows how she’s still focusing on the little things in her life that made her happy. Another diary entry, Anne describes her new residence- the Annex. Paragraph 19, “Thanks to Father and to a brush and a pot of glue, I was able to plaster the wall with pictures.” This shows how, despite being in the midst of hiding, she still looks to the bright side of
One of the best ways to deal with conflict is by using positivity. As Brenda Shoshanna once said, “All conflict we experience in the world, is a conflict within ourselves.” This means that when we encounter conflict, it burdens you personally- on the inside.