Have you ever read our board on 3rd floor? If yes, you will find that we always renew the information because we have organized many activities . Now , let me explain three events to you briefly.
First , we will held some training by famous speakers and native English speakers . Those famous speakers such as senior lawyer Martin Lee , writer Chip Tsao etc. They will share their precious experience , thinking skills and speaking skills to us . Apart from it, the native English speakers will point out some common pronouncing problems among Hong Kong students which may also improve your English level.
Second, we will join City Forum for a few times . You may not only feel the mood of fience debate directly but also increase your general knowledge about recent news. It may also useful in Chinese and Liberal studies.
Last but certainly not the least, we will join a large- scale debate competition held by Hong Kong Joint School Debate Association. There will be more than forty schools take part. It is valuable for you to train your courage and show your talent .
If you join our club , you may not only join our activities at a lower price but you will also learn a lot. First , joining debate club can grow one’s extra-curricular activities besides regular study. Second, it may increase the intelligence quotient of the students and student can be a fast and clever thinker. Thrid, it also set a cornerstone to the future lawyers . What’s more ,I think learning debate , not just for a diploma ,not only for our academic result, but for life. As you know , people bargain everywhere , in a market or even in a company. For instance, you may need to help your boss to bargain with the customers or you may bargain with a fishmonger over the price in the future . If you have