I am confident in myself. I have never been one to doubt my own abilities. I try to always play …show more content…
I know it’s really cliché to say this because pretty much everybody plays at least one sport, but I find joy in my athletic abilities and in sports as a whole. I personally play soccer and basketball, but I have played all different kinds of sports for fun. I play many different sports to make me a better athlete and to try something new. My favorite sports experience is at McCallie Sports Camp in Chattanooga, Tennessee every summer. I'm going for my sixth and final year this summer, and I cannot wait. At McCallie, you are emerged in all different kinds of sports. Whether you're good at them or not doesn't matter. I have played many awesome sports at McCallie that I may never play anywhere else like water polo and flickerball. Overall, McCallie made me a better athlete and expanded my horizons in the sports realm.
I am not shy. I am a very outgoing person, and very rarely in my life am I scared of any kind of social situation. All my life it has come easy for me to just talk with others and meet new people. The fact I am not shy is why I am very involved in musical theatre. Many are horrified to go in front of an audience and sing by themselves, but not me. I think it is exciting and enjoyable. I have met many people in the musical theatre community because none of us are shy! Musical theatre is a big part of my life, and I am glad I have my outgoing trait to allow me to have fun with it. I am outgoing and not