The CMC is a big hospital that is offering several various services and has more than fifty surgeons on staff. This is the main hospital servicing the city; with the closest rival hospital being located far on the other side of the city. The CMC has had a great reputation over the past decades and is striving to uphold this level of standard. The community will expect the CMC to always conduct themselves in a professional and responsible fashion.
The president of the CMC has several issues that he will need to address in order to make his decision. The chief of surgery and over fifty other surgeons have threatened to leave to the rival hospital across the city, along with their patients, unless the OR nurse is relieved of his duties. If this happens revenue will be impacted along with lay-offs and services; the effects could be millions of dollars. If the OR nurse is asked to step down or is actively asked to work in another non-patient area, the resulting federal litigation could be equally damaging. The president will definitely need to communicate with not only the hospital OR staff, but also the governing board (i.e. board of directors), public affairs, chief financial officer, and. human resources.
The president will need to remind his staff of the fact that the CMC has a very strong