Luck has been debated over the ages of what it is. There are even some cultures that have built upon luck, like the Irish culture. Luck is defined as: success or failure brought up by chance instead of through your own actions. In Oprah's quote she states luck is not by chance, but by ones own actions. Choosing to do something, doesn't make you lucky. As an example, I can learn how the lottery works, and come up with a system, and never win, but I could also play once and by chance win the first time. Does preparation have anything to do with luck though? Preparation I think has many benefits, but I don't think it makes you more lucky. …show more content…
Another may feel as if their hard work paid off. Preparing to do something typically is done with an end goal in mind, and luck is random. An example of this is; I submitted my resume online looking for a job. I got an e-mail for a highly profitable company with the most ideal position, that I did not qualify for, yet they offered me a job. I did not prepare for the job, nor did I have the proper education, but I was lucky enough to get the offer without being prepared. If I had the proper education for the position, I wouldn't feel lucky, I would feel like the education paid off the way I intended it to. So, is the opportunity where luck comes