• William L. Berry, Charles J. Christenson and John S. Hammond 111 (1980) Richard D. Irwin. Management is a science which is the application of scientific methods and quantitative techniques to the management of an enterprise. Inc. Homewood, Illinois
• James H. Donnelly. Jr., James L. Gibson, John M. Ivancevich (1975) Fundamentals of Mangement: Selected readings. Business Publications,inc. Dallas Texas. They define management as the process by which resources including machines, money, materials and people are coordinated to achieve predetermined goals.
• Stewart Clegg, Martin Kornberger and Tyrone Pitis (2008). Management is the process of communicating, coordinating and accomplishing action in the pursuit of organizational objectives while managing relationships with stakeholders, technologies and other artifact, both within as well as between organizations. Sage publications inc. California.
• James H. Donnelly. Jr., James L. Gibson, John M. Ivancevich (1975) They defined management as the process by which resources including machines, money, materials and people are coordinated to achieve predetermined goals. Fundamentals of Management: Selected readings. Business Publications,inc. Dallas Texas.
• Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the use of resources to accomplish performance goals. John R. Schermerhorn, Jr. (1996) Zohrwiley & Sons, Inc. Canada
• Angelo Kinicki and Brian K. William. (2009). Management is the pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively. Mcgraw Hill Book Company. New York.
• Brech, E.F.L (1975), Management as a process and the process consists of planning, controlling, coordinating and motivating. Principles and Practice of Management, 3rd Edition. Longman Publishers.
• David R. Hampton