Brazil allowed land clearing for use of cattle farms, soy bean crops, mining and logging. They allowed for this to increase income and decrease the amount of poverty in the country. The effects of doing so are detrimental to the environment. The increase of carbon dioxide released is the cause for global warming. Along with global warming it is destroying natural habitats for all of the organisms that live within the Amazon.
The Brazilian government is starting to put their foot down and trying to decrease the amount of land clearing. People can still legal clear land and use it for cattle pastures and soybean fields. If you use the land …show more content…
These people do this to support their families and themselves. Though that is important there is a big picture that it effects. Climate change is increasing rapidly and deforestation is a big cause of it. These people should be using the already deforested land and leaving the rest of the Amazon how it is for the sake of the environment and the ecosystem within it. The short term uses for it are great but the long term effects are worse.
There is no simple alternative to deforestation for the people of brazil. There are options though. An option of using more international trade to jump start the economy. More education within the country to give opportunity to have options for jobs. Education will open up for jobs and will not limit people to just farming and using the Amazon as their only job sources.
Deforestation is a big problem for the environment but for the people of brazil it is needed. Brazil needs to find a solution to the problem and a good alternative for their