Delegation is an integral component of the organizing process. Since manager is responsible for the performance of such a large variety of tasks, activities and functions that he cannot perform them all by himself, he assigns a part of work to his subordinates. In doing so he keeps with himself those tasks and functions which he consider crucial to his goal accomplishment and transfer to his subordinates less important work which he need not to do himself. It is through this process of assignments of task and activities to his sub ordinates that he can devote his time, energies and attention to the basic managerial functions of planning coordinating and controlling. The next logical step in the delegation process is the transfer of adequate authority to subordinates so as to enable them to make decisions and to take actions required for the performance of task and achievement of goal assigned to them. Assignment of duties and delegation of authority create an obligation on the part of subordinates to perform adequately and achieve the predetermined goals with optimum efficiency and effectiveness.
Delegation is thus the primary mechanism through which organizational work is distributed among its employees, authority is vested in them for the performance of assigned task and obligation is imposed on them to perform adequately. It results in the establishment of hierarchy of tasks and authority - responsibility relationship throughout the organisation.
Bases of Delegation:
Delegation bases may be based on the following threefold analysis
1. Activity analysis
2. Decision analysis
3. Relations analysis
1. Activity analysis: Drucker suggest that activity should involve identification of key activities. This can be done by answering three questions.
Decision Analysis: An important step in delegation is transfer of adequate authority to subordinates in order to enable them to perform effectively. This involves analysis of decision