Democratic style of leadership relies on participation with the entire group. This leadership decision making power lies on majority and his staff. Further more, this style of leader ship lies on vote of staff and or employes working in same company. This style of leader ship is very open for ideas and suggestions are discussed openly. This leader ship offers suggestion and views of staff and employes which can improve can company in profit and build its future and it also encourage staff and motivate them .Democratic leader keep group active and informed about what is going on in the company and what will happen in other words every thing and groups can openly suggest the ideas and share them. The participants will like the trust they receive and respond with cooperation, team spirit, and high morale.Democratic leader ship provide participants to make there successful goals, encourages them to have better experience and and encourage the group to achieve the goal which company or firm has set.
Democratic leaderships is known best and must for students because it encourage them to heard , it encourage and give confidence to make ideas or plan . It also allows them to give share there plans or ideas which give them experience and build there future and confidence. This style of leader ship provide responsibility to the group and decision making power for there goals , this also allow students to learn a lot ,improve there knowledge improve there skills ,experience and the way they community with each other.
The Autocratic leadership style
The autocratic leadership style is known as completely demanding with essentially a one way street of communication. The leader is seen as a boss and is only focused on the accomplishment of goals through its group, manipulation and even threats. These leader does not allow to share decision making and the mentality utilized is you have to do this or else