The one of the main reasons is Denmark’s social welfare. Social welfare is “a variety of governmental programs designed to protect citizens from the economic risks and insecurities of life” (“Social Welfare Program,” 2015, para.1). In Denmark, to offer good social welfare programs, taxes are very high. The top income tax rate is 60.3 percent, and a 25 percent national sales tax (Krugman, 2015, para.5). However, social welfare programs provide necessities in human life; therefore citizens’ satisfaction rate is high. McKenna (2014) stated in the book, “Denmark, Finland, and Sweden,” that the Danish government believes anyone who needs support must receive support from public assistance (p.21). The state social welfare programs are “recognized both legally and in public opinion morally just social rights that have been paid for by taxes and assessments” (McKenna, 2014, p.21). The Danish government provides many well-developed social welfare programs such as cares for pregnant women and mothers, healthcare, and free education, which satisfy the …show more content…
First, the article, “Denmark Takes Care of Mothers, Whether Wed or Not” (1948), stated that the organization called “Mother’s Aids” provides every expected mother a free half of milk per day for six months prior to childbirth, and after the childbirth, for six months, mothers receive a full liter of milk per day (p.L6). Free milk will assure that expected mothers intake necessary nutrition to keep their body healthy. Next, if necessary, clothing, baby carriages, beds, and other items can be provided by the national government and local communities (“Denmark Takes Care,” 1948, p. L6). Therefore, mothers do not have to be concerned about financial issues regarding raising and having a baby. Lastly, after a baby is born, Mother’s Aid makes sure that mothers are not suffering with heavy housework (“Denmark Takes Care,” 1948, p. L6). If necessary, free domestic help is sent to them for a minimum of 10 days (“Denmark Takes Care,” 1948, p. L6).). Free domestic help will keep mothers mentally and physically healthy. Denmark provides many different means of assistance for pregnant women and mothers, which gives them a sense of