A dental or dentistry technician is also called a dental lab technician. A dental or dentistry technician is a professional who is proficient in building and repairing dental prosthetics. A dental technician works on dental crowns, dentures or false teeth, bridges and other prosthetic devices for the teeth. The dental or dentistry technician will work on the orders of the dentist. The order of the dentist and the instructions given are followed by the dental or dentistry technician. The role of a dental or dentistry technician is different from that of a dental hygienist. The dental or dentistry technician does not work with patients directly. In some cases, the dental or dentistry technician [insert] may work with the patient when a visual inspection is needed and customisations are required. A dental or dentistry technician will spend his or her time in the laboratory mostly.
Education Requirements
The level of education required for a dental or dentistry technician role is minimal. Usually a high school education is enough to qualify for being trained on the job of a dental or dentistry technician. The requirements for a dental or dentistry technician vary from one dental organisation to another. There are schools or institutes …show more content…
A dental or dentistry technician works on press, polishing equipments, drills and high heat furnaces. The dental or dentistry technician needs to train to use such equipments. The use of varied substances also needs to be known by a dental or dentistry technician. The common substances that a dental or dentistry technician works with are gold, porcelain, plaster, wax and other metals. The work of a dental or dentistry technician can be varied. The experienced [insert] dental or dentistry technician will find high demand for his or her expertise in the different dentistry