In society today cell phones are more then a luxury they have become a necessity. Cell phones can be a help because of emergencies or a quick message needs to be sent via text or email. Sometimes we text more then we talk to each other. Cell phones are used for email, texting, calling, games and Internet. Cell phones are the most convenient. If any things need to be done, the cell phone is the answer.
One positive thing about cell phones helps us get in contact with people whether texting or calling them. Texting is a great invention also because sometimes people aren't able to make a phone call and texting comes in handy. Positive effects on texting is one can learn new words and also how to spell words because of auto correct. This can also encourage people to interact with new vocabulary. Another positive effect is it helps people communicate emotionally. Through text messages people can comfortably open up to someone. Sometimes people feel as though they can say how they feel through a text then in person. Personally, I agree because I find myself being able to talk to people better through a text because I am not there with them and I don't have to deal with the nervousness of talking face to face.
Another positive effect is it helps people communicate emotionally. Through text messages people can comfortably open up to someone. Sometimes people feel as though they can say how they feel through a text then in person. Personally, I agree because I find myself being able to talk to people better through a text because I am not there with them and I don't have to deal with the nervousness of talking face to face. It allows people to communicate with others freely. Introverts have a hard time communicating with others because they are shy. But with texting, that can easily say what is on their mind without being scared. It is an easier way to express them. Lastly, texting/cell phones allow people to maintain relationships even though face to face communication is better. Sometimes we don't have time to see our friends and family, so texting someone can be quick way of communication. Texting is a good thing, but it can also be bad. Many find texting/cell phone use convenient resources for everyday life, but most people do not consider the negative effects that cell phones could have.
One negative thing about texting is it can be a distraction. Many people are always texting all over the world. It’s hard for people to put the phones down. Now that cell phones are bigger, faster and easier to maintain people I easier to send a quick text then to talk to a person face to face. For students cell phone use has become a major distraction in school. From texting in class students fail classes. Most schools do not allow texting during class and because texting is an addiction students can not help themselves. When a student gets caught for texting and they refuse to give up their phone they are sent to the principal’s office. The more students text in class and get sent out they are not learning so it causes them to fail classes.
Texting can cause sleep issues. People cannot sleep because they are too busy on their phones. Another negative effect is sleep deprivation. This is something I think many people suffer from, because of cell phone use. I know that I have this problem. When I can't sleep I start playing games or browsing the Internet. If that doesn't work I find myself texting that could be having the same sleeping person as me. We all know that sleeping is important and lack of it may cause problems. Sleep deprivation is not good; because she sleeps helps you have energy for the day. When one doesn't have enough sleep they can be cranky or not able to complete their daily tasks.
The last negative effect on texting and cell phone use is separation from people. Friendships, relationships and even marriages are dominated by texting. People can be in the same room with their significant other and still text them. This is a sign of lack of communication skills. People have forgotten how to have a face to face conversation because they are so used to texting them that when it’s time to have a real conversation they don't know what to say. Using the cell phone too much can result in family neglect. When a person is constantly on their electronic device, he or she pays little attention to the things around them. Social interaction becomes limited because people are more and more on their phones for hours. Many people are dependent on their cell phone. Whenever someone has a question they pick up their phone and ask someone because they know they can rely on them to answer their text or call. People forget their ability to find things out on their own. With cell phones we have no reason to become independent because we feel as though our cell phone can do all the work. If we ever need to find something out, it’s easier to send a quick text and find the answer. Technology is getting better and people are learning new ways to text. With most phones now a day you don’t have to literally text with your fingers, you can speak what you want to say and it is written. How convenient, anything to make our lives easier and more dependent on our cell phones. In conclusion our society has become dependent on cell phones. There are positive and negative effects on cell phone use. When asked the question why our society has become more dependent on cell phones the answer is convenience. Bottom line cell phones are convenient and we all love things that are easy. Many examples were written in this paper to show that society depends on their cell phone it is running or lives. The positive effects on cell phone use are for emergencies and sending a quick text message or email. Another positive effect is for emotional support because some people are more comfortable with opening up via text then face to face. People can talk more freely. Negative effects on cell phone use are lack of communication because texting is a distraction. We forgot how to communicate and we got caught up with texting and calling our loved ones then actually sitting down and talking to them face to face. In the end our society is dependent on cell phones, only time will tell if things will eventually change, but if technology gets better the chances are slim to none.