User Manual
Created By
Edwin Ang
Created On
June 12, 2012
The iDempiere Fixed Asset extension package is developed based on the work of these three remarkable men:
1. Robert Klein, who developed the first ever Fixed Assets extension for Compiere
2. Teo Sarca, who modernized Robert Klein's work to use Adempiere more modern document structure. His work was however not properly documented and was influenced with his country local requirement.
3. Redhuan D. Oon (Red1), who took the work published by Teo Sarca, created the migration scripts from the 2Pack, and done some stabilization work. However Red1 somehow mixed
Klein's solution to Teo Sarca's which made the design somehow inconsistent.
This work was started from where red1 left. I have spent considerable hours try to understand all those three men's design consideration. Somehow, I decided to recover to Teo Sarca's core design and done the work to (1) repair bad codes and AD Configuration, (2) remove – what I thought was – localization codes and AD Configuration, and (3) add missing code and AD Configuration.
After many many test iterations and two installation observations, I am confident that I have achieved a certainly working package. Hence this is the FA version 1.0.
What functionality that can be expected in this FA v1.0:
1. Asset Addition from Match Invoice
2. Asset Addition from Import Asset
3. Asset Addition from Manual
4. Asset Addition from Project
5. Asset Depreciation using Straight Line Depreciation Method
6. Asset Disposal
7. Each document: Asset Addition, Asset Depreciation, and Asset Disposal can generate their own accounting facts
What should not be expected:
1. Asset Transfer
2. Asset Split
3. Asset Revaluation
4. Asset Financing
5. Asset Depreciation using other Depreciation method
6. Asset First Year Convention Method and Asset Depreciation Calculation Method are not yet