A sad feeling is the most common and most widely known symptom of depression, but it’s not the only symptom. Another symptom is a feeling of worthlessness, which causes thoughts that you have no purpose, and that your life is not valuable, but it is. Hopelessness and helplessness can make you feel like the depression will never go away and that you shouldn’t seek help because there is nothing and no one that will help you, but you’re wrong. Depression causes a loss of motivation to do daily tasks and a loss of pleasure or enjoyment in hobbies and activities you used to enjoy. It can also cause loss of concentration.
It can affect you physically through changes in weight, sleep patterns, and lower your immune system. But even though depression can cause you to feel worthless, helpless and hopeless, there is always help, always someone to talk to and there is always hope, you’re not alone in this. You’re not helpless, hopeless or worthless, you’re you and that is the best thing you can be. Don’t give up, you can get through this.