QP addressed why Claude is doing these things if his goals in to be involved with his sisters.…
8/20/2015 Strategies for Overcoming Depression | Psych Central Search term or ZIP code Home Conditions News & Experts Find Help Quizzes Menu: Research & Resources Pro Where to? Depression Depression Overview Depression Quiz Loneliness Quiz Blog: Depression on My Mind General Symptoms of Depression Specific Symptoms of a Depressive Episode Treatment Options Living with Depression Depression Library Dozens of articles Ask the Therapist about Depression Ask Others about Depression Medications for Depression Strategies for Overcoming Depression By Jane Framingham, Ph.D. ~ 4 min read There are a lot of articles on the Internet about overcoming depression. They suggest things such as changing your thinking, changing your mood, and voilà!…
Bipolar disorder is usually treated with mood stabilizers such as Lithium or carbamazepine, anticonvulsant medications such as valproic acid or lamotrigine, or pairing antidepressants with mood stabilizers. However, bipolar disorder can be treated with a combined treatment of mood stabilizers and individual, group, or family therapy. There are many more treatments for unipolar depression. Biological treatments include brain stimulation such as vague nerve stimulation, trans-cranial magnetic stimulation, and deep brain stimulation. This option of treatment is usually the last option because it is used for treatment-resistant depression. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is also used as a treatment for depression although it is considered controversial. This type of treatment can cause dislocated jaws and shoulders and even broken bones. It can also cause short-term and even long-term memory loss. Another biological treatment for unipolar depression is antidepressants. These include mono-amine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, tricyclics, and selective serotonin reputake inhibitors (SSRIs). The different types of antidepressants have different ways of combating the symptoms of depression. Other ways that are used to treat depression are free association therapy; operant conditioning which uses behavioral techniques such as pleasurable activities and rewarding behaviors that are not depressive;…
This article starts out talking about the true struggles of depression and the journey of finding the correct ways to deal with it. It begins by talking about how everybody keeps trying to find different ways to deal with depression. In Sarah Klegman’s article, she brings up the fact of how everybody…
Chances are high that you aren't where you ultimately want to be and the goal setting process will need to…
Depression affects almost fifteen million individuals in a given year. Depression often results in emotional and physical destruction of oneself which leads to thoughts of suicide and heart attacks for many individuals. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of despondency and despair for months or even years. A disorder such as depression causes millions to feel unworthy and question their life and purpose in the world. Many ask themselves questions such as, what is the point of even trying if I’m going to fail? The loss of interest in daily activities and the emotional pain of being in a state of gloom for months can be extremely detrimental to ones well-being, physically and mentally. Environmental and sociocultural…
References: Conrad, N., Doering, B. K., & Exner, C. (2009, October). Looking beyond the importance of life goals. The personal goal model of subjective well-being in neuropsychological rehabilitation. Clinical rehabilitation 2010; , (24), 431 - 443.…
the middle of a jungle”. Doctors describe this mental illness as a imbalance within the brain wiring and the brain chemistry.…
The biological approach is based on the idea that depression has a physical or organic cause. One explanation suggests that some people are simply more genetically inclined to develop depression, as Hecimovic suggested that it was caused by a mutation in the 5-HTT gene, which was responsible for coding for serotonin production, and that this mutation is inherited. Family studies, twin studies and adoption studies have all helped support the role of genetics in the development of depression. Gershon found that if a parent of a child had depression , that the child was then 2-3 times more likely to suffer from the disorder themselves. Twin studies, conducted by McGuffin found that the concordance rate of twins varied, depending if they were monozygotic or dizygotic. If depression is linked to depression, then it would be expected that MZ twins have higher concordance rates as they share 100% of the genetic information. He found that MZ twins had a concordance rate of 46%, while DZ twins had a concordance of only 20%. Lastly, twin studies done by Wegner found that children are 8 times more likely to develop depression if their biological parent also suffered than if their adoptive parent did, suggesting that depression is greater influenced by genetics rather than environmental factors.…
Some things in life tend to be very challenging to overcome and depression happens to be one of the many obstacles in life. We try to look for an easy way out so the pain doesn’t last forever, but the easiest route might not always be the best decision in the situation you’re facing. I believe the best way to completely destroy the harsh mental and physical feeling of depression is to give it time. Time heals all wounds and bruises, you could be at your lowest point and those times you are weak and have every reason to give up on yourself and others but it won’t always be there. Depression is that small voice in the back of your mind that televises the inferior mood of your everyday activities. It’s certainly like a sneak attack, it destroys…
Having goal and determination should be the stimulus for people who really need to be successful in their life. It takes time and sacrifices, it could be painful at the beginning, but when it comes to the result, it could be…
results of these thoughts in the negative sense as behavioral theorist suggest lead to depression.…
Throughout my high school years I dealt with depression. At the start of my sophomore year, I was diagnosed with clinical depression, a type of depression that is linked with fatigue. While in social settings, internally there was an urge to lay down and rest, while on the outside I was perky and all smiles! I was without goals and always off with friends to distract myself; feelings did not phase me because I was used to shutting them out. My mother decided after a while that I needed help to get me out of this detrimental state of mind.…
- Latham, G. and Locke, E. (2002) “Building A Practically Useful Theory of Goal Setting and Task Motivation,” American Psychologist 705-714…
set a specific goal to lose 2cm off your waistline or to walk 5 miles at an aerobically challenging pace “I want to read 3 chapter books of 100 pages on my own before my birthday”. When you measure your progress, you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience the exhilaration of achievement that spurs you on to continued effort required to reach your goals set a goal of eating a piece of fruit each day instead of one sweet item. You can then choose to work towards reducing the amount of sweet products gradually as and when this feels realistic for you..…