She is depressed daily, she doesn’t seem to take pleasure in most of daily activities, she has a loss of appetite, she feels worthless and guilty, and she often thinks of suicide, as well as having a plan to carry it out.…
Research questions in the three articles were presented by the authors. The first article questioned the reported practice of transformational leadership behavior being high or low depending on the support of higher levels of transformational leadership in those organizations. Which differs from another article on transformational leadership by Emery and Barker(2007) in that it emphasizes transformational leadership 's goals are to align the goals of the workers, who have direct contact with customers, to management. As these values align with management, greater…
Bipolar disorder is usually treated with mood stabilizers such as Lithium or carbamazepine, anticonvulsant medications such as valproic acid or lamotrigine, or pairing antidepressants with mood stabilizers. However, bipolar disorder can be treated with a combined treatment of mood stabilizers and individual, group, or family therapy. There are many more treatments for unipolar depression. Biological treatments include brain stimulation such as vague nerve stimulation, trans-cranial magnetic stimulation, and deep brain stimulation. This option of treatment is usually the last option because it is used for treatment-resistant depression. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is also used as a treatment for depression although it is considered controversial. This type of treatment can cause dislocated jaws and shoulders and even broken bones. It can also cause short-term and even long-term memory loss. Another biological treatment for unipolar depression is antidepressants. These include mono-amine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, tricyclics, and selective serotonin reputake inhibitors (SSRIs). The different types of antidepressants have different ways of combating the symptoms of depression. Other ways that are used to treat depression are free association therapy; operant conditioning which uses behavioral techniques such as pleasurable activities and rewarding behaviors that are not depressive;…
The world is well aware with these terms stated above- stereotypes, prejudice, and discriminate. These three terms are used to further create inequality between people based on their inner and outer characteristics. Specifically the inequallities which are most common are based on races or gender. Being a stereotype means to generate an oversimplified representation of a particular type of a person. This type of an act is superficial and can lead to prejudice, buy thinking that information gathered by sterotypes is suffice you become prejudice and thus naïve and judgemental.When you make judgmets you automatically discriminate. In a nutshell. Stereotyping leads to prejudice, which ultimately leads to dicrimination. However, every individual is different, and just because they have similarites or differences with others doesn't directly mean they're exactly like them. This act of assumption may lead to a disagreement or bias, making you pass judgments without any verification. Thus, you end up discriminating.…
Depression affects almost fifteen million individuals in a given year. Depression often results in emotional and physical destruction of oneself which leads to thoughts of suicide and heart attacks for many individuals. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of despondency and despair for months or even years. A disorder such as depression causes millions to feel unworthy and question their life and purpose in the world. Many ask themselves questions such as, what is the point of even trying if I’m going to fail? The loss of interest in daily activities and the emotional pain of being in a state of gloom for months can be extremely detrimental to ones well-being, physically and mentally. Environmental and sociocultural…
Among nurses, substance usage rates vary anywhere between 10% (Dunn, 2005) and 20% (Bennett & O'Donovan, 2001) with the most common drug of abuse being alcohol. However, one fact that remains constant is that nurses who are more exposed to the emergency departments and intensive care units have much higher rates of alcohol abuse (Dunn, 2005). The main cause of this increased rate of abuse could be due, in part, to the increased exposure to patient death and suffering. These nurses’ exposure encompass all four categories of stressful work environments that directly contribute to increased rates of depression, namely dangerous working conditions, interpersonal conflict, heavy workload, and unfair treatment (Netterstrøm et al., 2008). Examining the relationship between work stress and alcohol abuse demonstrates that depression is also a by-product of alcohol abuse among nurses…
B.) Depression is not an easy topic to discuss for anyone, however, when it begins to occur it needs to be dealt with immediately because it can affect the wellbeing of the individual as well as others who are around them, like their children or other family members.…
In addressing the causes, symptoms, and treatments of Unipolar depression and Bipolar disorders one might see that there are many similarities but significant differences. One might see how life tasks and one’s emotions and motivations are subject to failure when acquiring these disorders. One might also notice that many of those whom acquire these disorders do not even realize that they have them. Questions one might ask are how does one know if they or a family member may be subject to or experiencing these disorders and how does one treat them?…
I use to self harm so much to the point where it didnt hurt anymore when i slit my wrists. selfharming didnt kill my depression ,instead it made it worse. not only was i depressed but now i had scars that would take along time to dissapear. i hated myself so much. i felt like i couldnt be saved from myself. the bullying…
Crockford, D. N., & Berg, A. (2013). Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression in Patients with…
The purpose of this study is to assess the leading reasons to why college students become stressed. There are several reasons behind this, the focus is more so what is the leading factors of stress that are associated with depression. This topic was important to me because for African American college students there are several stress-producing situations that can trigger depression. Situations that can cause stress are, relationships, grades, being away from parents, and living in a new environment. According to recent research “Depression in young adults is a common health problem and growing public health concern (Voelker, 2003; Lewinsohn, Rohde, & Seeley, 1998). Depression impairs psychosocial development and academic success (Birmaher et al., 1996). It is a strong predictor of suicide, which is the third leading cause of death in 15-24 years old and the second…
Throughout my high school years I dealt with depression. At the start of my sophomore year, I was diagnosed with clinical depression, a type of depression that is linked with fatigue. While in social settings, internally there was an urge to lay down and rest, while on the outside I was perky and all smiles! I was without goals and always off with friends to distract myself; feelings did not phase me because I was used to shutting them out. My mother decided after a while that I needed help to get me out of this detrimental state of mind.…
Major depression is a therapeutic sickness influencing 9.9 million American grown-ups. Dissimilar to typical emotional encounters of passing mood states, misery, or loss, major depression is constant and can fundamentally meddle with an individual's thinking, conduct, mind-set, action, and physical wellbeing. Major depression has 4 categories. The first is the manner by which it influences your point of view/thought process making it hard to focus and most thoughts are negative. Second is mood change and inspiration and the individual no longer appreciates exercises like before and are bad tempered more often than not. Third is behavioral change, for example, losing enthusiasm for sex, no longer thinking about individual cleanliness, appetite…
We live in an age of anxiety and depression. It is a fact that no one has not contested. This affects all levels of societys among college students especially. Recently, sudents indicate highest increases of these problems. According to the article "What Is Causing the College Student Mental Health Crisis?" by Gregg Henriques, Ph.D. "The 2010 National Survey of Counseling Center Directors found that 44 percent of counseling center clients had severe psychological problems, a sharp increase from 16 percent in 2000. The most common of these disorders were depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, alcohol abuse , eating disorders and self-injury." Moreover, the current trend is disappointing, because for all the time we have not seen improvements in this regard and therefore, the future seems bleak. In part, this problem is a consequence of global psychological problems in society than just some psychological illness. These data raise the question, what exactly is the cause of deteriorating mental health of students. Some of this crisis is physical problems caused by in brain chemistry, while other cases are purely physical. Two very important factors which affect to mental health problem among college students are technology and economics.…
“All teenagers feel that way.” “You’re just over exaggerating your sadness.” “Stop being such a drama queen.” Seventh grade is when the sadness started. A month passed. Two. Eventually, feeling “down” became the new normal. Horrible thoughts of dying and self mutilation flooded my brain on a constant basis. But everyone feels that way... or so I was told. My friendships crashed and burned because I lost motivation to work on them. I was an outsider at school, with my friends, with my family, and even with myself. As time went on, and every day I would see the smiling happy faces of all my friends, I realized that this mindset is not normal. I realized how real depression is and that something needed to change. I was mentally ill.…