Ellen: Depression and Suicidality
Student Name:
Diagnosing Ellen
1a. Refer to the DSM-IV checklist and list all symptoms that Ellen has that match the criteria for major depressive episode. Which of Ellen's symptoms meet any of the criteria? (Be sure to match specific symptoms with specific criteria.)
Ellen is not comfortable and feels out of place and therefore is not interested in social activities, she feels guilty about not having a very loving relationship with her mother a guilt that extends to not doing more for her mother when she was sick. Ellen often thinks of suicide and has a plan to commit it. Her depression has lasted longer than a month and affects her health by not eating correctly.
1b. Can Ellen be said to be suffering from a major depressive disorder?
Ellen has major depressive disorder because she meets most of the criteria for it as outlined in the DSM-5.
1c. Explain and defend your diagnoses or lack thereof.
Ellen meets the criteria because she meets more than five of the criteria for it in the DSM-5.
She is depressed daily, she doesn’t seem to take pleasure in most of daily activities, she has a loss of appetite, she feels worthless and guilty, and she often thinks of suicide, as well as having a plan to carry it out.
2. Where does Ellen fit with Shneidman’s taxonomy of people who intentionally end their lives?
I would have to say that she doesn’t fit very well in any one category but if I were to make an educated discussion I would say that she is a death ignorer. She believes that she will be happier when she is dead and has religious beliefs. She also meets a minimum of seven of Shneidmans commonalities of suicide (unknown, 2014). Here is a link to the site I got the information from. http://suicidepreventioncommunity.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/shneidman_10-commonalities.pdf
3. What factors are present that may trigger a suicide attempt by Ellen?
The events that may trigger an