Tom's father uses a light mood and a smile to transition Tom from an angry state to a calmer one.
Which of the following is true regarding the long-term stability of temperament?
Difficult children tend to demonstrate the greatest level of instability in temperament.
What is the term associated with expressions of discomfort, such as crying, when removed from an attachment figure? separation anxt
If a mother is chronically and severely depressed, which of the following would you likely see in her child? overfeeding The disease kwashiokor is caused by which of the following?
Insufficient dietary protein
Which the following is associated with SIDS?
A history of Apnea
In the United States, which group has the highest infant mortality rate?
African Americans
Which of the following is the best description of tertiary circular reactions?
The child engages in purposeful "scientific" exploration, initially through trial-and-error processes
According to Piaget, ____________________ describe a baby's simple repetitive actions that are organized around the baby's own body. primary circular reactions
Brody is entertaining himself and his mother with his repetitious "dadadada, babababa" as if he just likes the sound of his own voice. What is Brody doing?
When a baby makes repetitive vowel sounds, such as the UUU sound, the baby is performing which of the following?
Which of the following is a complicating factor in studying the effects of family day care?
There is too much individual variation between familial caregivers.
Julie's mother is extremely busy with her job, which she does at home. Some days Julie's mom is responsive and attentive, other days she is so overwhelmed by work that she is emotionally unavailable. Which of the following attachment styles is Julie likely to develop?
Which of the following is NOT a self-conscious emotion?