According to DSM-IV, Randy has experienced two of the following symptoms, each present for a significant portion of time during a one-month period:…
For treatment, the process of helping fight against Schizoid personality disorder is a long one. One idea is for Josephine to write down when she may experience a stimulating emotion, such as happiness. She could then write this…
List the principal mental disorder(s), and/or personality disorders (if appropriate), and their diagnostic code(s). Meanwhile, elaborate how the individual met the criteria for the given diagnoses. Hint: in addition to the principal diagnoses, you also need to include all the specifiers that apply to this case. Principal Clinical Disorder(s): 309.81 (F43.10) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder with delayed expression Joe Smith meets the overhauled on DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Diagnostic Criteria A Criteria A, no less than one of the DSM-5 cases for this section have been met. Joe Smith was presented to a real episode that threatened his life caused sexual violence.…
The range of axis II should be broadened to encompass the range of personality pathology seen in clinical practice. Personality pathology is difficult to measure. Current instruments have problems with validity and rely on a direct-question format that may be inappropriate for the assessment of personality. In addition, they are designed specifically to address current DSM-IV categories and criteria, which limit their utility in making meaningful revisions of those criteria. These problems suggest the need for consideration of alternative approaches to assessing and revising axis…
In this week’s review, we seek to gain an understanding of what an organic church model looks like. Cole is the author of our text, Church 3.0 and within this book, he points out how church today has not changed much since the early days and that we in our day and culture need to make some much desired changes as to how we do church. Cole tells us that how we are doing church today in the modern society just isn’t working. We have an abundance of mega churches that attract people to them, but, the truth is, they are just one in a big crowd of people. So, Cole provides us with Church 3.0, an organic, missional way to do and be the church.…
It is imperative for all mental disorders to have a specific method of classification. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a manual designed to help professionals comprehensively understand mental illness and treatment for each diagnosis (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The primary use of the DSM-5 is to assist professionals in diagnosis for each specific patient, which prompts an effective treatment plan (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, 19). Some of the DSM-5 categories include: Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, Feeding and Eating disorders, Disruptive, Impulsive-Control, and Conduct disorders, Elimination disorders,…
The DSM-5 is a handbook that is used by health care professionals. This is an imposing guide to the diagnoses to mental disorders.This contains the descriptions, symptoms, and other criteria for identifying mental disorders. This helps to provide a common language for clinicans to communicate about patients and come up with a diagnoses that can be used to research the disorder.…
Mental illnesses are more readily labeled today than at any other time in history. Following this heightened awareness; substance abuse disorder has been established in the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual, 5th edition (DSM-5) as its own diagnostic category. The DSM-5 is a diagnostic tool employed by healthcare professionals in the procedure of determining the proper diagnosis as well as the course of treatment for individuals suffering from mental health disorders. Each year, thousands of people remain untreated as a result of their drug or alcohol use. Due to the stigma surrounding addiction, hesitation to fully disclose the substances that contribute to the symptoms experienced by a patient can cause a dual diagnosis to be difficult…
Faces of Abnormal Psychology Interactive. (2007). Posttraumatic stress disorder. Retrieved June 13, 2009 from…
question along with her tone suggest ruling out multiple disorders. Major depression is not a factor do to no feeling of sadness, loss,…
Major depression. The medical diagnosis for depression that lasts for at least two weeks and interferes with daily life. It causes symptoms like low energy, fatigue, and feelings of hopelessness.…
Depression is the most common mental disorder, not only for adults, but for children and teenagers as well. The DSM-IV classifies depression as a mood disorder. It states that an individual has suffered a “major depressive episode” if certain symptoms persist for at least two weeks, including a loss of enjoyment in previously pleasurable activities, a sad or irritable mood, a significant change in weight or appetite, problems sleeping or concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness. These symptoms of depression fall into four categories: mood, cognitive, behavioral, and physical. Depression affects how individuals feel, think, behave, and how their bodies work. People with depression may experience symptoms in any or all of the categories, depending on personal characteristics and the severity of the depression. Although depression is usually first noticed during the teen or early adult years, a person can have an episode of depression at any age. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is estimated to be 2% in children and 6% in adolescents and up to 25% of adults age >60 experience MDD, dysthymic disorder, or “minor” depression. Although diagnosis and treatment of major depressive disorder is similar among all patients, its symptoms and course may be atypical in children, adolescents, and older adults. Awareness of these varying clinical manifestations can facilitate early recognition and treatment. Although diagnosis and treatment of depression is similar regardless of a patient’s age, younger and older patients may not exhibit typical depressive symptoms.…
Gwen is diagnosed with alcohol use disorder to include a diagnosis of substance abuse disorder. Per the DSM-V, the criteria for someone with alcohol use disorder is a problematic pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least two of the options occurring within a 12-month period. Criteria for alcohol use disorder can include any of the following situations. Alcohol is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than was intended. In the movie, Gwen and her boyfriend Jasper are often seen during the day drinking multiple times. This would fall under drinking over a longer period than intended, which results in larger amounts of alcohol consumption. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful effort to cut down or control alcohol use. Gwen often tries to reduce her drinking, but Jasper coerces her…
During the in class critique of the DSM case, our group introduced several viewpoints that were not included in the presentation of the case or mentioned only briefly by the presenting group. Overall, we agreed with the presentation team that the knowledge and ability to quickly disentangle the IT from one company and smoothly integrate it with another company would be a strategic advantage. This would be especially true for a company like DSM whose primary strategy was diversification and growth through selling a portion of its own company and acquiring other companies.…
Although DSM is used by psychiatrists and psychologist worldwide, it has been criticized. Psychologists view the DSM as a very valuable source which has the potential for misuse. When using the DSM criteria, the following things need to be considered: “whether it improves clinical decision making and whether it enhances the clinical outcome for people with psychological disorders.” (Rathus,…