• consistent good teaching will promote good behaviour in students and this will have an impact on the whole class and teaching.
• positive strategies for managing students behaviour this will then help students understand their school’s expectations, also this may reflect on the behaviour out of school grounds and continue to act in a good manor.
• a clear range of rewards, which are applied consistently though out the school and staff.
• good behaviour has to be learned – so schools must adopt procedures and practices that help students learn how to behave, in and out of school grounds and towards each other.
• Good behaviour has to be modelled by all staff all of the time in their interaction with students.
It is very important that teachers and myself are consistent in the way they managing students behaviour. By acting in a positive way around students and stuff and keeping it consistent, this will have a strong impact upon a student. By creating relationships and positive attitudes can give a big impact on successful learning. By developing these skills as a teaching assistant with enhance their ability to influence others, guide, encourage and direct students to achieve their full potential.
To lead a class confidently and affectively, I will need to take some to think about strategies as to students a teaching assistant is a role model of behaviour in school. To have good interactive skills with the students would be key. To be able to balance correction with praise and encouragement, use rewards and consequences consistently, to teach students right from wrong, positive from the negative. Planning alternatives to confrontation and knowing how to help when necessary.
When giving praise to students who are achieving their best, it mustn’t be forgotten to encourage those who are trying but may still be struggling and not fully understanding (this then may lead to negative behaviour). These sort of students may be lacking confidence and may need to be shown more positive reinforcement. This will be take time and commitment from the teaching assistant, teacher and parents. Also showing respect to all students, this will include listening to them and preserving their dignity. To make sure that you build up relationships and trust with the students, by just a simple greeting in the morning, sharing experiences with them and to demonstrate an interest and an understand of their world. Listening to student suggestions is another way of building trust and relationships, this could also reflect on their behaviour. Such as, if a student was acting in a negative way you could suggest to them what should be expected of them and how misbehaviour should be addressed, this may work as then the student would be more responsive to rules they helped to created. Being consistent remains a key factor though out being a teaching assistant, with this it means that behaviour, learning, friendship building and everyday activity’s shall be come a routine. To lead a class confidently and affectively, I will need to take some to think about strategies as to students a teaching assistant is a role model of behaviour in school. To have good interactive skills with the students would be key. To be able to balance correction with praise and encouragement, use rewards and consequences consistently, to teach students right from wrong, positive from the negative. Planning alternatives to confrontation and knowing how to help when necessary.
When giving praise to students who are achieving their best, it mustn’t be forgotten to encourage those who are trying but may still be struggling and not fully understanding (this then may lead to negative behaviour). These students may be lacking confidence and may need to be shown more positive reinforcement. This will take time and commitment from the teaching assistant, teacher and parents. Also showing respect to all students, this will include listening to them and preserving their dignity. To make sure that you build up relationships and trust with the students, by just a simple greeting in the morning, sharing experiences with them and to demonstrate an interest and an understand of their world. Listening to student suggestions is another way of building trust and relationships, this could also reflect on their behaviour. Such as, if a student was acting in a negative way you could suggest to them what should be expected of them and how misbehaviour should be addressed, this may work as then the student would be more responsive to rules they helped to created. Being consistent remains a key factor though out being a teaching assistant, with this it means that behaviour, learning, friendship building and everyday activity’s shall be come a routine.
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