Because rewards and stages of sanctions are well known by all, no child can claim to be treated unfairly because all are treated in the same way by the Positive Assertive Discipline. It demonstrates “Zero tolerance― of unacceptable behaviour and it encourages children and young people to change their behaviour and be responsible for choosing good behaviour. A child or young person has the right to work at school without being disturbed by others in the room and others have the same right so that all can benefit from learning. Teachers have the right to spend time teaching and not on pupils who are not on task. Parents are partners with the school for the sake of their children and have responsibility to ensure that their child follows the agreed code of behaviour. The behaviour policy should include procedures for dealing with any incidents of bullying in or out of school. Cyber bullying has become a problem in recent times and a charity working to combat cyber bullying, called Digital Awareness UK, is showing school children and teachers how to protect themselves online. Not attending school or truanting can be a form of disobedience and is monitored closely on computer systems. Rewards, such as certificates, are awarded and parents / carers are notified if attendance falls below a certain percentage. …………………………….Primary School • I will treat myself and others with respect at all times. • I will respect all property at all times. • I will play fairly with others. • I will work hard and always try to do my best. • I will walk quietly around the school. • I will help to make school a happy
Because rewards and stages of sanctions are well known by all, no child can claim to be treated unfairly because all are treated in the same way by the Positive Assertive Discipline. It demonstrates “Zero tolerance― of unacceptable behaviour and it encourages children and young people to change their behaviour and be responsible for choosing good behaviour. A child or young person has the right to work at school without being disturbed by others in the room and others have the same right so that all can benefit from learning. Teachers have the right to spend time teaching and not on pupils who are not on task. Parents are partners with the school for the sake of their children and have responsibility to ensure that their child follows the agreed code of behaviour. The behaviour policy should include procedures for dealing with any incidents of bullying in or out of school. Cyber bullying has become a problem in recent times and a charity working to combat cyber bullying, called Digital Awareness UK, is showing school children and teachers how to protect themselves online. Not attending school or truanting can be a form of disobedience and is monitored closely on computer systems. Rewards, such as certificates, are awarded and parents / carers are notified if attendance falls below a certain percentage. …………………………….Primary School • I will treat myself and others with respect at all times. • I will respect all property at all times. • I will play fairly with others. • I will work hard and always try to do my best. • I will walk quietly around the school. • I will help to make school a happy