Describe with examples the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with policies and procedures of the setting.
It is important that everyone within the school is treated consistently and fairly. When you are fair and consistent with children, the children start to acknowledge the right from wrong and they will start to realise the behaviour isn’t acceptable. To make sure a child understands that inappropriate behaviour isn’t acceptable you must be apply boundaries and rules, the way you respond to inappropriate behaviour must be the same every time that behaviour occurs. If children and young people are given a set of rules and boundaries they start to understand what is accepted in their behaviour wherever they go. This can be at home, school or in society.
Every school has a policy relating to behaviour and discipline, all staff at the work setting must follow this and is reviewed regularly. Rules should be applied throughout the school year and appropriate for the age and stage of development of the children. Simple rules should be set to one to five years old such as saying “please” and “thank you, sharing play equipment, tidying up after themselves and listening while other people are speaking.
Children and young people need to understand the consequences of not acting within the boundaries. It is important that the boundaries are appropriate for their age and development. This helps the children to understand what is acceptable and what isn’t and also makes the children understand there will be consequences if they do not behave appropriately. An example of this would be when children go outside they must wear coats, they must wash their hands before and after their lunch, they must place their books in a neat pile after each lesson. At St Margret’s School there are classroom boundaries which are