When children or young people display behaviour that is undesirable staff should be fair and be consistent with their reactions to the child or young person’s behaviour. Teachers and staff must be clear that the behaviour is not acceptable but not the child .when imposing a sanction it should not be based on a tolerance level of the teacher who has been exceeded but because a child has broken the rules. Try to be economic as possible; sometimes to begin with a stern look may be possible at this stage, it should be unnecessary to shout at the child at this stage.
Sanctions should be …show more content…
The support plan can be reviewed often.
Equal opportunities :
All children and young people should be regarded and should receive the same treatment and considerations .whatever their gender, their intellectual or physical abilities and all social and cultural backgrounds .Everyone is entitled to the identification of their individual needs and the use of positive strategies for the needs to be met ,
Anti- bullying policy:
Every school will have an Anti-bullying policy put in place this will enable children and young people to feel under no threat in the school environment and hopefully stop threating behaviour .Bullying is a deliberate and hurtful and repeated behaviour where the victim finds it hard to defend and protect them selves . if a child or young person is doing the bullying ,parents /carers will be notified by the school and will be asked to come and discuss the incident their child or young person may also have their name added to the register of special needs ,some behaviour could go on to be reeeppported to the Learning support service and the Emotional and Behaviour support service and maybe the Educational Psychologist in extreme