One important reason that Laura and Howie will not remain close friends/ more than friends and have a short friendship is that Laura was very shy and timid and did not seem like she wanted to talk with Howie. According to The goats book “He could hear someone crying inside. It sounded like a girl.She was gulping and crying at the same time. “Hey,” he said “I said go away” she said. “Hey, I can't. They took my clothes.” he said” What Brock Cole is saying here is Laura was not kind to Howie in the beginning. She was embarrassed and shy because of how the girls dumped her on an island naked and she does not want to be with a guy that she doesn't even know his name. Laura is kind of sad and …show more content…
As Brock Cole has made clear “I am socially retarded” Laura said. When Laura leaves camp she is going to be worried about the trauma she experienced at the camp. Howie has been calmer about this experience then Laura. They might keep in touch for a month or 2 but then fade out writing to each other and stuff. Laura and Howie don’t seem strong enough to keep their relationship. This is why Howie and Laura will have a short term friendship. Of course, it is possible to disagree with the view that Laura and Howie really have no friends before they met each other so this friendship should not be that long and instead argue that Laura can’t really talk to her mother so how could she talk to a guy she barely