There are some serious risks associated with using the internet and other technologies because some people are using the internet to make contact with children and young people with the intention of developing a relationship which they can progress to sexual activity this is known as ‘grooming’.
Bullying is another aspect of the use of new technologies. Children may receive texts or emails that make them feel sad, embarrassed, upset, depressed or afraid. This could be damaging to the child’s self-esteem and psychological wellbeing.
Although some children and young people may become involved in serious illegal activities include, identity theft, bullying, selling stolen goods, participation in hate websites. There is also a risk that children can access sites, suicide sites and online gambling.
Describe action to take in response to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused, harmed (including self-harm) or bullied, or maybe at risk of harm, abuse or bullying.
Taking action when abuse of child is identified may save a child’s life. If through conversation or other contact with a child, a staff member has reason to suspect physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect, they should do the following: Listen to what the child says. Ensure that the child feels as little responsibility as possible. It is particularly important not to make any suggestion to the child regarding how the incident may have happened, therefore do not question the child, except to clarify what he/she is saying. Write down exactly what the child says, what actions concern you and what you have said in response. Sign and date it. If a member of staff is involved, appropriate steps must be taken to ensure the safety of