"Orientation" is written by Daniel Orozco. Daniel Orozco was born in San Francisco in 1957, he still lives in San Francisco and teaches creative writing at Stanford University. "Orientation" was published in The Seattle Review in 1994. "Orientation" starts in medias res, and a person, who could either be female or male, so I'll go with male, is shown around at his new job. He is going to work in an office where they sit in small cubicles. The guy who is showing him around, tells him about different persons and how things work around the office. They have some very special rules, and all the other persons we hear about working at the office has some special personalities. But as long as it doesn't interfere with the peoples working pace, it is all right. They also have a very good health insurance, so if they family gets in an accident they don't have to pay a dime, and therefore not worry, and can keep on working. One of the persons we meet in the text is Barry Hacker. He steals food in the refrigerator, as an outlet for his grief for the loss of his wife and unborn child. Barry Hacker talked with another person called Anika Bloom, and she told him how his wife would die. He has not been himself ever since she died, and she is haunting him and the office. She has been seen in the monitors walking around the office, and has left messages on the voicemail, where you can hear her voice and a baby. By stealing food I think Barry Hacker is trying to get attention from the other people in the office, but they are all really just staying to themselves, and doesn't really mingle with each other. They are just putting a little extra in their lunch for him, but they don't help him otherwise. There is also a big love drama going on in the office."Amanda Pierce, who tolerates Russell Nash, is in love with Albert Bosch, whose office…