It’s the day of the attack. Led by the French, Indian trailing behind, they set out in Early February. They make the march to Deerfield, using snowshoes, and sleds to carry their supplies. They leave the dogs and sleds behind for their return when they reach Brattleboro, Vermont. In Deerfield, all the villagers have gone to sleep like any other night before. It is now midnight, the French are making their final tunings and preparations for the attack. They began loading weapons, painting on war paint, and reviewing plans. It is now four in the morning, the village still dead silent, when the French decide to attack.
The whole town is now awake, rushing to life. Some have found ways to escape, like jumping out windows or roof lines, and several even manage to flee the whole scene altogether, making their way to the neighboring villages. Some men have decide to even come together in order to rally outside, leaving their families in …show more content…
The French soon regrouped their troops, and set out on the journey back to their village. It is now nine in the morning, The air is unsettling in Deerfield, almost numb. White snow is now bright red form the blood that was shed only hours before. The few that survived started filter back in through the south gate, ready to look after their wounded and count the dead. There were deaths by gunshot, by hatchet, by knife, by war club, even burnt and smothered in secret cellars. The wounded consisted of men and women being shot in the arms, fingers cut off in Indian custody, and broken legs and ankles from jumping from upper-story windows trying to escape. Many people hid rather quickly wherever they could, while the rest were wounded and