On one of the trips to Apache Mountain outside of Rio Dosa, we were asked to sample some of the amenities offered by the Eagle Creek Ski gratuitously if the park mangers could take pictures of us while rode the horses, used the mountain “luge sled” type vehicle, rode the all-terrain rental 3-wheel vehicles, and took the scenic ski lifts up to …show more content…
Apache were the prettiest and had the best overall accommodations. There were three other camping sites we loved to visit just because of the unique amenities associated with these campsites. The first was Dinosaur Park just outside of Glen Rose, Texas. The park was passable as a campsite and had the requisite toilet and water, but the big positive draw for this campsite was not the park itself, but the bluegrass festivals held each year around Labor Day and the early fall. If one has never been to a blue grass, they have missed an extra special entertainment venue. The concerts provided some of the best bluegrass bands in the country. And, notwithstanding the outstanding talent associated with some of these bands, the fun really did not start until the concert was over. That is when all of the bluegrass aficionados would grab their lawn chairs and form small groups of individuals playing their own instruments. I was always amazed at the level of talent these amateurs demonstrated and while most of these amateur musicians could have passed for local farmers and even perhaps Jed Clampett’s kin, underneath the bib coveralls and straw hats were doctors, lawyers, accountants and other highly professional people. One has to go to a bluegrass festival to really understand how friendships and camaraderie could develop …show more content…
While the campground was almost totally primitive, the magnificent beauty of the snow capped mountains even in the summertime more than made up for the not so up-scaled campgrounds. The hiking trails and running rivers were equally represented, but were not to be topped by the abundance of wild life so well represented in this wilderness area. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a moose with an 8-10 point rack standing close to the shores of a crystal clear lake with the shadows of the snow capped mountains casting a double panorama with the reflections on the mirror image provided by the crystal clear lake. There were also such amenities as trout fishing in the fast moving streams a stone’s through from the campground and rental horses where one can ride the horse freely over the range with the only restriction of having the horses back at the stables at a certain time. Both Michael and Stephanie became fairly good horseback riders during our camping trips to