
Desdemona In William Shakespeare's Othello

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Desdemona In William Shakespeare's Othello
The character Desdemona in William Shakespeare’s classic play Othello is characterized in a way that represents an early form of feminism similar to what is seen by modern day women. Many traits such as being outspoken, independent, and brave are common to be seen in women from our era. For Desdemona’s character however, a wife in the 1500s, these traits are rather unheard of for her to have, almost to the point that her actions are considered scandalous. Desdemona’s character is viewed as being the more powerful partner in her marriage, from the very beginning it is inferred that she is the one that pursued her war lord of a husband. When present on stage at the same time it seems as though she may even intimidate Othello, stimulating some …show more content…
Desdemona’s character is the newlywed housewife of the moor of Venice, but that trait alone does not define her. While being Othello’s wife take up a long portion of her role in the plot, Desdemona makes clear her independence from the men in her life throughout the play. She is an outspoken woman who makes her opinions clear, standing up for both herself and her husband the very first time she is seen on stage. Desdemona goes after what she wants, and these wants include Othello. Her courtship of him not only defies gender roles of that time, but makes the betrayal of her father for him that much more scandalous. The bravery it takes her to initiate their relationship is the same bravery that keeps her strong throughout Othello’s endless accusations and worries. That bravery and the encouraging, occasionally harsh, guidance of her best friend and maiden Emilia of course. Knowing that Desdemona has done nothing wrong she sees no reason to fear her husband, that lack of fear eventually being the very thing that ends her life. Up until the end of her life Desdemona proves her love and overall faith in Othello, this unconditional love being both a blessing and a curse that women have had from the beginning of time up to our current day and

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