Thelma Johnson
Axia College of University of Phoenix
Substance Abuse is one the leading health concerns in society. Use and abuse of substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs can begin in childhood or the teen years. There are certain developmental risk factors may increase someone 's probability to abuse substances early in life. Family influence and socialization outside the home are known contributing factors that influence substance abuse. One most researched area of substance abuse is that of alcoholism and its interventions, and diagnosis for treatment the under age drinker. Although, there are programs that focus on the unmet needs of the abusers, obstacles to prevention, and ongoing research to combat alcoholism of the under-age drinker, more can be done.
Current and Unmet Needs of Alcohol Abusers
Two of the largest areas of focus for alcohol abusers are diagnosis, intervention and treatment of the disease. Under age drinking of the youth population tends to be an area where intervention and treatment efforts are lacking and have the greatest of unmet needs. The definitive goal of researchers on drinking by youth is to reduce the rates of drinking by adolescence and successfully treat those who develop troubles linked to alcohol use. Studies show that kids that start drinking at a young age are of higher risk for long term alcohol disease problems because prevention and treatment programs are less effective. According to Alcohol Research & Health (2008), “Even state-of-the-art programs are not sufficient to prevent adolescent use and misuse of alcohol in the absence of social and environmental change. Binge- drinking among adolescents between the ages of 12 – 17 range between 12 to 25%. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) argue that, “Not only are these youth at high risk for serious accidents and adverse social, health, and
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