Grade Levels: 3 - 5
This lesson provides students with an opportunity to draw conclusions using one of Aesop's enjoyable fables. Students will use a chart to record their conclusions as they read.
Students will: * use story details, prior knowledge, and logical thinking to draw conclusions about characters and story events. * support conclusions with evidence from story texts and real life. * draw conclusions to comprehend and appreciate a story.
This lesson can be divided into two or three smaller lessons, each lasting about 15-20 minutes.
* Dictionary * Vocabulary Worksheet * Drawing Conclusions Chart * The Grasshopper and the Owl fable
1. Introduce key vocabulary: delicious, gleam, insect, noisy, rude. Ask students to complete the Vocabulary Worksheet. 2. Point out that drawing a conclusion in a story means figuring out something about a character or an event. To reach a conclusion, readers use clues in the words or art, plus what they already know. 3. Illustrate the concept using pantomime. Ask a volunteer to pantomime trying to scratch a spot on his or her back while saying, "I can't reach it!" Ask students what is happening and why. 4. Pantomime one or more other situations and ask students to tell what you are doing and how they reached that conclusion. 5. Distribute the Drawing Conclusions Chart and the fable The Grasshopper and the Owl. Read the first four lines of the fable together. Ask: What is making that 'screech' noise? How do you know? Help students write the answers on their charts. Discuss how they formed their conclusions. 6. Have students read the rest of the fable and complete the Drawing Conclusions Chart, answering these questions: * How does Owl feel about Grasshopper's singing? * Why did Owl get a gleam in his eye? * What did Owl do just