known in wrestling, baseball and football, also my mom was a state long distance runner and a volleyball player. I just about tried everything to find my defining attribute in, soccer, basketball, track, and volleyball. In the end, I stuck with volleyball and did everything thought possible for me to continue and live on the family's reputation of being great athletes. However, volleyball placed some big challenges, which most would either quit or just ignore. When given a challenge of some sort such as, jumping on a four-foot box when you are only five feet three inches and sixteen years old, some people wouldn't even acknowledge this to ever be a possibility.
People told me I would not be able to do it, I was "incapable." However I turned this negative experience into a positive outcome. I formed determination. I worked on my vertical by, jumping on boxes that progressively got higher and higher as I improved as well as other vigorous vertical strengthening exercises. It came to the day when I would give my first attempt towards my goal. I was nervous and I did not want to fail, after all the hard work I had done, but my trainer told me, "If you are not six feet tall, you have to jump like you are." As a result, I made it. I remember the day like it was yesterday the feeling inside me, the feeling of accomplishment, ruthless and more determined than ever to get all my goals accomplished. This talent I had received highlights my determination, in which I am proud to be identified as. This event in my life started my ongoing determination and pure drive to every goal I make; all the short-term and long-term goals. My identity is determined, and driven to me you cannot accomplish anything with determination and drive. With these new qualities that identify who I am, what I am known for, I practice with all my goals. These accomplishments, I have gained more courage and confidence to do things people say I cannot do. Therefore tell
me I cannot do something, because I will prove you wrong, it is pretty much a guarantee.