Kevin Dinkel
Cynthia Pryke
Determining Databases and Data Communications
Being placed in scenarios gets you out of the student mindset and puts you in a unique decision making state of mind. I enjoy these exercises to ensure there is an understanding of what it takes to get into that state of mind.
Scenario 1
Tracking data about booth components, equipment, shippers, and shipments are extremely important part of my job. Understanding how to maintain all of this information will make sure that when a problem is realized that you can address it properly. The booth components need to be individually numbered so each part can be identified. Equipment needs to also have individual identifiers, as well as the serial number of all items recorded. This information will be important if a problem comes up in any step of the process. Including the price purchased will help track if the price has increased since last time the item was purchased. Dates purchased and dates received will also help follow the tracking of purchasing. Making sure a database is kept on who had the product and where it was shipped will keep track of the location of each product. Some of the equipment like projects or lights can be extremely valuable, and both of those should be watched closely. The relationship between screens and projectors need to be tracked closely. These two items are extremely important, because if one is missing the other will be useless. These should be tracked closely to ensure both can be utilized. The relationship between lights and power sources are to be tracked closed as well. A light will need a power source so that it can be used. A database system should be most certainly used to keep organization easier. Excel can be used to handle the data and output, but many of the database products allow for scanning of barcodes to promptly input data. Instead of taking down information and manually input it with